
Exhibitor Manuals Reimagined.
Exhibitions Redefined

Simplify your events and get more done with XpoBay,
the world’s most advanced exhibitor manual event hub

Exhibitor Manuals Reimagined.
Exhibitions Redefined

Simplify your events and get more done with XpoBay,
the world’s most advanced exhibitor manual event hub


The Hidden Traps Derailing Your Event. 🌟
Unearth 5 Exhibition & Trade Show Pitfalls costing you MILLIONS… and the secrets to sidestep them.

Stop Turning a Blind Eye

Are Your Events More Struggle Than Success?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the chaos of event planning? Tangled in software that’s supposed to make life easier but doesn’t? Saddled with ‘all-in-one’ solutions that only multiply your headaches?

You’re not alone.

Many event organisers face these same battles daily: endless form chasing, constant exhibitor follow-ups, and legacy systems that turn simple tasks into time-consuming ordeals.

Miscommunications and marketing misfires add to a sense of running in circles, often feeling lost in the very events you’re trying to create.
But there’s hope. We understand the struggle—and we’re here to help transform it into success.

Are Your Events More Struggle Than Success?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the chaos of event planning? Tangled in software that’s supposed to make life easier but doesn’t? Saddled with ‘all-in-one’ solutions that only multiply your headaches?

You’re not alone.

Many event organisers face these same battles daily: endless form chasing, constant exhibitor follow-ups, and legacy systems that turn simple tasks into time-consuming ordeals.

Miscommunications and marketing misfires add to a sense of running in circles, often feeling lost in the very events you’re trying to create.
But there’s hope. We understand the struggle—and we’re here to help transform it into success.

Introducing XpoBay:
The Revolution in Event Management

With over a decade of expertise and more than 1,000 successful shows, XpoBay transforms antiquated manuals into a refined, client-centric hub. Our intuitive system is precisely aligned with the needs of exhibitors and their speakers and sponsors for a flawless event journey.

Enjoy our sleek interface and seamless tech integrations that enhance, not complicate, your processes. With advanced marketing tools, your event’s influence broadens.

If you’re ready to finally put down the burden of all the repetitive manual tasks around launching your events… then it’s time to Unlock the full potential of your trade shows with XpoBay, the event hub that empowers you to thrive.

Introducing XpoBay:
The Revolution in Event Management

With over a decade of expertise and more than 1,000 successful shows, XpoBay transforms antiquated manuals into a refined, client-centric hub. Our intuitive system is precisely aligned with the needs of exhibitors and their speakers and sponsors for a flawless event journey.

Enjoy our sleek interface and seamless tech integrations that enhance, not complicate, your processes. With advanced marketing tools, your event’s influence broadens.

If you’re ready to finally put down the burden of all the repetitive manual tasks around launching your events… then it’s time to Unlock the full potential of your trade shows with XpoBay, the event hub that empowers you to thrive.

Years In development
0 +
Successful Shows
Cities around the World
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Clients in love with XpoBay
Years In development
0 +
Cities around the World
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Clients in love with XpoBay



We streamline your event planning, making organisation seamless.

We support you through any challenges for a smooth event.

We amplify your event's reach with innovative marketing.

We provide personalised attention for all event participants.

We ensure smooth integration with your digital tools.

We offer real-time data for swift, informed decisions.

Join the ranks of thriving event organisers who trust XpoBay to deliver exceptional exhibitions.


Since we started using XpoBay our exhibitors have virtually stopped calling and emailing us with questions about the event!

Keir Duncan, We-Events

XpoBay saves us so much time & effort with our events that it’s like we’ve arrived at a whole new world!

Natalie Gaby, National Media

We have had the best response from exhibitors I have ever known with regards to logging in, using and completing the online manual!

Louise Binner, Talk2 Media & Events

We run 75 to 80 events a year on the platform. XpoBay has really allowed us to develop a one-stop-shop for our exhibitors.

Chelsie Stott


I’m the CEO of an event company featuring high public profile exhibitions across Australia and The US. After suddenly losing a key member of my event management team I was shocked to discover that we were less than a month out from a major show without key resources or comms in place. We had moved away from the exhibitor manual offered by our registration & ticketing supplier as it was just too clunky and difficult to use and we had resorted to spreadsheets, Google Drive and emails. As I took stock of the situation I came to the conclusion that there was no way our current systems would be able to make up for the lost time and our multimillion dollar event not to mention our brand was under serious threat.

An industry colleague recommended XpoBay so I called their CEO Ben directly. I’m not ashamed to say I used expletives when describing the desperate situation we were in. Ben calmly replied to my panic with a reassuring voice, “Well you called the only person in the world who can help you, so don’t worry, your problem is completely solved.” Surely the rescue of such a complex event can’t be that easy. Ben reassured me that he would have us up and running in a day. XpoBay has been the event hub for every one of our 36 shows since. The system is so elegant and stable, so easy to use that, hand on heart, my team have barely had to call them since. When I think of how complex the running of our events were before XpoBay I break into cold sweats. If you are not using XpoBay for your shows I guarantee you’re doing it way tougher than you need to be.

Empower Your Events In Three Simple Steps


Book a free Consult
Jump on a quick call. Share with us your struggles and aspirations. Unlock a world of potential for your events.


Experience a Demo &
Free Trial
Dive into a demo that will astound you. Discover seamless event management. Get your own free login to the system.


Launch Your Event
With unlimited support & consultation, effortlessly set up your event in hours and enjoy our 100% Success Rate.

frequently asked questions

Will XpoBay integrate with my tech stack?

Siloed data, repetitive data input and errors across your systems are common problems for exhibition and event organisers. But, XpoBay is designed with integration in mind, ensuring it can seamlessly slot into your existing tech stack. Our platform features robust API capabilities that facilitate secure and efficient data exchange between XpoBay and a wide range of software applications. Whether you're using CRM systems, marketing tools, or any other event management software, XpoBay's flexible architecture is built to connect, sync, and streamline your processes, ensuring a cohesive and unified user experience. Our goal is to make integration a non-issue, so you can focus on delivering an outstanding event.

Is it hard to move from my current exhibitor manual system to XpoBay?

Transitioning to XpoBay from your current exhibitor manual system is designed to be as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Our dedicated team will guide you through every simple step of the migration process, ensuring that your data is securely transferred and that you feel confident navigating the new system. We understand the intricacies involved in switching platforms, so we've optimised XpoBay to be intuitive and user-friendly. Plus, our support doesn't stop at the initial setup. We offer comprehensive training and resources to empower your team to make the most of XpoBay's features from day one. Rest assured, our commitment is to minimise downtime and disruption, making the switch not just simple, but a significant upgrade to your event management experience.

How long does it take to switch to XpoBay?

Switching to XpoBay is designed to be a quick and painless process, usually accomplished within a couple of days. We understand that, despite the frustrations with current systems, the thought of transitioning to a new platform can be daunting, especially when time is a scarce resource. That's why we've made our onboarding experience as streamlined as possible, with a dedicated team to guide you every step of the way. Even if you're under the pump with event demands, our efficient setup process and hands-on support ensure that the switch won't just be easy, but a welcome relief. We handle the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on what you do best — creating memorable events. And once you've made the leap to XpoBay, we're confident the only thing you'll regret is not doing it sooner. You'll quickly discover the difference a tailored, supportive, and intuitive event management system can make, leaving you wondering how you ever managed without it.

Do I receive Unlimited Support Free?

Yes, with XpoBay, you'll receive unlimited support completely free of charge. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your transition to and use of our platform is smooth and trouble-free. XpoBay stands out for its elegance, intuitive design, and exceptional stability, which means you'll find it surprisingly easy to navigate in no time. While we're always here to assist you, the straightforward nature of XpoBay ensures that after your first event, you'll likely find that you're soaring on your own. And in the rare case you do need us, we're just a call or click away, ready to help you keep flying high with XpoBay.

Do you offer a risk free money back guarantee?

At XpoBay, we go beyond the standard 100% satisfaction guarantee. We're so confident in the transformative power of our platform that we offer a 100% "Fall in Love" guarantee. We want you to do more than just be satisfied; we want you to be absolutely delighted with your experience. If, after your first event, XpoBay hasn't won your heart, we will provide you with a full refund. It's that simple. We're committed to not just meeting, but exceeding your expectations. And just so you know, with over 1000 shows across the globe under our belt, we've never had to issue a refund. Every one of our clients has been completely won over by the ease, efficiency, and power of XpoBay. We're proud of our track record, and we're eager to show you why XpoBay is the last event management platform you'll ever need.

Will XpoBay really change my business?

XpoBay will indeed revolutionise your business, not only by optimising your internal processes but by significantly enhancing the experience of your exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors. With XpoBay's elegant and user-friendly platform, your stakeholders can easily access the information they need and complete all necessary compliance effortlessly. This seamless interaction not only satisfies their immediate needs but also leaves a lasting positive impression, increasing their likelihood of returning for future events. Moreover, XpoBay equips your exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors with innovative marketing tools that empower them to promote your event effectively. This, in turn, vastly increases your event's reach and contributes to its overall success. By providing these cutting-edge resources, XpoBay not only changes the way you manage events but also expands the potential for growth and impact, setting a new standard for what you and your stakeholders can expect from your business.

What if I’m contracted to another exhibitor manual?

If you're currently under contract with another exhibitor manual provider but are seeking a better solution, XpoBay offers a practical and beneficial approach. We understand the constraints of existing contracts and the desire for a superior exhibition management experience. That's why we're committed to working alongside you to transition your first few shows to XpoBay, even while you're still under contract. Our approach is centred on demonstrating the immediate and long-term value that XpoBay brings to your events. You'll quickly realise that the cost of delaying the integration of XpoBay into your operations can far outweigh any contractual commitments with other providers. By experiencing firsthand the efficiency, user-friendliness, and comprehensive features of XpoBay, you'll see how it not only enhances your current event management process but also sets a new benchmark for future events. Ready to take the next step towards transforming your business? Book a Free Consultation with us today. Let's work together to seamlessly integrate XpoBay into your event strategy and unlock the full potential of your events.

We run small shows. Is XpoBay affordable?

XpoBay is designed with scalability in mind, making it an affordable solution for events of all sizes, including smaller shows. Our pricing structure is tailored to accommodate the unique needs and complexities of each event, ensuring you get the best value. This means that for an investment less than the cost of a small stand at your event, XpoBay can completely transform your event management experience. The efficiency and effectiveness that XpoBay brings to the table go far beyond its cost. The amount of time, energy, resources, and stress it saves is invaluable. It streamlines your operations, enhances your event's quality, and improves the overall experience for your exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors. Once you experience the ease and capabilities of XpoBay, you'll quickly realise that the real cost lies in not utilising such a transformative tool. Adopting XpoBay is an extremely savvy investment in the future success and smooth operation of your events.